While the Disability Integration Act is bipartisan, in our discussions with legislators many of the questions we have received about the legislation have differed along party lines. In order to better help you address your legislator’s questions, we have developed the materials below.
DIA Materials for Democrats and Progressives
Disability Integration Act Fact Sheet (Democratic Version) – This is a two-page fact sheet that is useful for in person legislative visits. It is written in language and highlights supporters that are persuasive for Democrats and other progressives.
Disability Integration Act Legislative Packet (Democratic Version) – This is a PDF document that includes the Fact Sheet, a statement from the Democratic Party, other supportive statements and support letters that are persuasive for Democrats and other progressives. This is suitable for emailing.
Disability Integration Act Legislative Packet (Democratic Version-Printer Ready) – This is a PDF document that includes the Fact Sheet, a statement from the Democratic Party, other supportive statements and support letters that are persuasive for Democrats and other progressives. It is formatted with blank pages to facilitate two-sided printing.
DIA Materials for Republicans and Conservatives
Disability Integration Act Fact Sheet (Republican Version) – This is a two-page fact sheet that is useful for in person legislative visits. It is written in language and highlights supporters that would be persuasive to Republicans and other conservatives.
Disability Integration Act Legislative Packet (Republican Version) – This is a PDF document that includes the Fact Sheet, the cosponsor invitation letter from Representative Sensenbrenner, and support letters that are persuasive for Republicans and other conservatives. This is suitable for emailing.
Disability Integration Act Legislative Packet (Republican Version-Printer Ready) – This is a PDF document that includes the Fact Sheet, the cosponsor invitation letter from Representative Sensenbrenner, and support letters that are persuasive for Republicans and other conservatives. It is formatted with blank pages to facilitate two-sided printing.