Be sure to send out invitations to your event in advance and encourage people to request reasonable accommodations. This will allow Deaf and hard of…
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Here’s what you need to start. 1. A PLACE to hold the Celebration You need an accessible place for your event. A meeting room at…
Comments closedLet’s celebrate the reintroduction of the Disability Integration Act together on January 15, 2019! If you have three (3) or more other people who are…
Comments closedYou can download a sample letter to contact candidates running for Congress to seek co-sponsorship for the Disability Integration Act. Download it here.
Comments closedFirst, it establishes a general rule. That reads, “No public entity or LTSS insurance provider shall deny an individual with an LTSS disability who is…
Comments closedClick here to download the PDF.
Comments closedBruce Darling, Organizer with ADAPT I have found something that I agree with Ann Coulter about. When talking about a recent protest which caused her…
Comments closedWhen I first joined ADAPT in 1996, I had no idea what the term “attendant care” meant, even though I had received it all my…
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